A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164


Chapter: 1164

He wondered if being together with her was possible.

He wanted to find a way out of the countless impossibilities.

But until now, Mark hadn’t found a solution.

Waylen had made a big decision. He planned to secretly send Alexis to the lab for treatment in order to set Rena free.

Because of this, Mark had slapped Waylen in the face—twice.

Then, despite raising his reddened palm a third time, Mark couldn’t bear to deliver another slap. He knew that it was difficult for Waylen to have made such a decision…

On the night Alexis was sent away, Mark drank a lot, and even Peter couldn’t stop him. At last, the helpless Peter sought out Cecilia’s help and begged her to persuade Mark. “Mr. Evans has an important meeting tomorrow morning. If he keeps drinking like this, he might be too drunk to go.”

Although Cecilia was unwilling at first, Peter begged her until she finally agreed.

Peter opened the door for her, but stayed outside. He explained, “I’ll guard at the door.”


It was dark inside the small office.

It took a while before Cecilia’s eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. She found Mark’s silhouette slumped over the sofa, with several bottles of wine on the floor in front of him.

He probably heard her footsteps, so he raised his head to meet her worried gaze. Then he poured himself another glass.

“That’s enough…”

She stepped forward and held his hand, preventing him from holding the glass.

Mark looked at her quietly with his bloodshot eyes. After a long time, he growled, “Get out.”

Cecilia refused.

She knelt on the carpet and started gathering the bottles of wine.

Mark watched her. She looked like a child playing house. ©

But he was well aware that Cecilia was not a child anymore. She was a full-grown woman…

He gently pulled her over and raised her chin, looking at her face carefully.

Truth be told, they were both alone in this world, and they each only had each other.

Mark croaked, “Cecilia, let’s at least have a try.”

